Biden’s False Debate Claim Angers Gold Star Families

President Joe Biden’s claim during the recent debate that no U.S. troops have died under his watch has infuriated Gold Star families, who feel profoundly disrespected. Biden’s statement, aimed at showcasing his foreign policy achievements, was, “I’m the only president this century, that doesn’t have any – this decade – that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did.” This has been debunked as 16 U.S. troops have died overseas since he took office.

The most tragic event was the Afghanistan withdrawal in August 2021, where 13 American soldiers died in Kabul. Additionally, three U.S. troops were killed in Jordan in January.

Gold Star families, who have lost loved ones in these events, were outraged by Biden’s false claim. Mark Schmitz, whose son Marine Cpl. Jared Schmitz was killed in Kabul, expressed his anger to the New York Post. “My phone blew up for probably 20 minutes after that came through, and everybody was just in utter shock,” he said. Schmitz described his feelings as “beyond ticked off, disrespected,” mirroring the sentiments of many other affected families.

Steve Nikoui, father of Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, also killed in Kabul, shared his disbelief. “I did see that, and I was just as shocked as anyone else, but I wasn’t surprised,” he stated. Nikoui hopes that Biden’s false claim will highlight to the public what Gold Star families have been experiencing under his administration.

Christy Shamblin, mother-in-law of Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee, who was killed in Kabul, criticized Biden’s leadership as “reckless and weak.” She emphasized that such leadership “will continue to produce results of dead Americans,” and condemned the administration for turning their backs on grieving families while promoting those who stay silent.

Darin Hoover, whose son Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover died in the Kabul attack, was incensed by Biden’s false statement. “When Biden said that not one person in the military was killed under his watch, I yelled at what I was hearing,” Hoover told the Daily Mail. He recalled Biden’s behavior during the dignified transfer ceremony, where the president was seen checking his watch multiple times, which has remained a painful memory for many Gold Star families.

The anger over Biden’s false claim is compounded by previous perceived insensitivity. Jiennah McCollum, widow of Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, recounted how Biden shifted the focus from her husband’s death to talk about his own son Beau Biden’s service and death from brain cancer. This conversation felt “scripted and shallow” to the grieving family.

The Gold Star families’ outrage underscores the emotional toll of losing loved ones in military service and their demand for honesty and respect from their leaders. As Biden continues his presidency, these families hope their sacrifices will be acknowledged truthfully and respectfully.