Parents Banned From School Events Over Bracelets Protesting Biological Male On Girls’ Soccer Team

Parents at Bow High School in New Hampshire are accusing school officials of censoring their voices after being banned from school property for wearing pink wristbands in protest of a biological male playing on the girls’ soccer team. The wristbands, emblazoned with “XX,” symbolized the parents’ support for their daughters and biological females in the sport.

The parents raised their concerns with the school’s athletic director after learning that their daughters would be competing against an opponent with a biological male on the team. Despite their objections, they were told nothing could be done due to a federal court ruling.

As a peaceful protest, parents wore the wristbands during a game, but school officials quickly responded by stopping the match and ordering the parents to remove them.

In a controversial move, school authorities issued “no trespass” orders against the parents, banning them from attending school events. One parent, Anthony Foote, was outraged after being told he could not watch his daughter play in her homecoming game. “It’s ridiculous,” he said, highlighting how the school seemed more focused on silencing dissent than addressing concerns.

School officials claim the wristbands were disruptive, but parents disagree, arguing that their actions were peaceful. Videos provided by the parents show that the game proceeded without interruption until the school intervened.

The parents’ primary concern remains the safety of their daughters, as they point to past instances where biological males have caused injuries to female athletes in other sports. Despite being banned, the parents are determined to continue advocating for their daughters’ rights and safety on the field.