NYC To Pay $350,000 To Muslim Transgender ‘Woman’ Misplaced In Men’s Prison

New York City has agreed to pay $350,000 to Ali Miles, a biological man who identifies as a Muslim transgender woman, after being housed in a men’s prison at Rikers Island for one month. This settlement follows a lawsuit claiming civil rights violations and mistreatment during Miles’ incarceration from June to July 2022.

Miles, born Dylan, was initially jailed at Rikers Island before being transferred to an Arizona jail. He was eventually convicted of two felony counts of aggravated harassment related to domestic violence, alongside several misdemeanor offenses, and sentenced to 312 days in jail, including time served.

The lawsuit, filed in May, argued that Rikers officials were aware of Miles’ gender identity and that a judge had ordered him to be housed in the women’s unit. Despite this, Miles was placed in the men’s facility, where he allegedly faced transphobic comments and sexual assault by other inmates, particularly “African American male” prisoners.

Miles’ legal action sought $22 million in damages but settled for $350,000 to resolve the case. The settlement does not require the city to admit fault, and Miles is barred from pursuing further legal action against the city regarding this matter.

In addition to this lawsuit, Miles has filed multiple lawsuits against NYC and Arizona businesses, alleging discrimination based on his gender identity. These lawsuits have often been criticized for being “poorly-written” and containing numerous spelling errors. Notably, a lawsuit against a NYC yoga studio claimed civil rights violations due to Miles’ gender transition and non-conformity to gender stereotypes.

The city’s decision to settle comes amid a broader financial strain, as it faces significant costs related to addressing the ongoing migrant crisis. This settlement adds to the city’s financial burdens, highlighting the complexities and challenges of managing diverse and sensitive legal claims.