Media Silence On Biden Administration’s Alleged Collusion With Transgender Advocacy Group

Mainstream media outlets, including ABC News, CBS News and NBC News, have shown a notable lack of coverage on a significant scandal involving the Biden Administration and a controversial transgender advocacy group. Unsealed court documents, released on June 24, suggest that the administration colluded with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) to influence guidelines on transgender procedures for minors.

The documents reveal that Assistant Secretary for Health, Rachel Levine, reportedly pressured WPATH to eliminate age restrictions for procedures such as chemical castration, genital surgeries, and other medical interventions. According to the New York Times, the initial WPATH draft guidelines recommended age minimums of 14 for hormonal treatments, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation or facial surgeries, and 17 for genital surgeries or hysterectomies. However, Levine allegedly pushed for the removal of these age limits, suggesting that doing so would improve access to healthcare for transgender youth.

Levine’s efforts included multiple discussions with WPATH members, emphasizing that setting age limits could lead to restrictive legislation against transgender healthcare. Sarah Boateng, Levine’s chief of staff, is also implicated in these discussions, reportedly arguing that age restrictions could result in devastating consequences for transgender care.

Despite the gravity of these allegations, the Big Three networks chose not to report on the scandal during their evening broadcasts on June 25 and June 26. Instead, they focused on lighter topics. ABC World News Tonight featured a segment on a child’s lemonade stand, CBS Evening News covered an intergenerational daycare in Los Angeles, and NBC Nightly News discussed an Olympic athlete and the potential impact of COVID-19 over the summer.

The next day, the networks continued to avoid the scandal, with ABC and NBC reporting on celebrity news and CBS highlighting the arrival of pandas at the San Diego Zoo.
Adding to the controversy, WPATH receives substantial funding from leftist billionaires.

Jennifer Pritzker, cousin of Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, has donated at least $237,500 to WPATH between 2013 and 2019. Pritzker’s contributions earned her a “Philanthropy Award” from WPATH in 2018, and her foundation continues to support the organization.

Additionally, WPATH has received at least $57,347 from George Soros.
This lack of media coverage raises questions about the networks’ priorities and their willingness to hold the Biden Administration accountable. Critics argue that the mainstream media’s silence on such a significant issue reflects a biased approach to reporting, particularly when it comes to controversies involving liberal figures and causes.

The broader implications of this scandal are significant, as it touches on the sensitive and contentious issue of transgender healthcare for minors. The administration’s involvement with WPATH and the push to remove age limits on medical procedures for transgender youth is likely to spark further debate and legal challenges. As this story unfolds, the response from both the public and lawmakers will be critical in shaping the future of transgender healthcare policies in the United States.